Queensland Public Records Office Resources & Information


Information and resources available at the public records office of Queensland in Australia

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Website for State Public Records Office in Queensland

Website for Criminal Records/Police Checks in Queensland

Address of the Public Records Office of Queensland:

435, Compton Road,


Queensland 4113

Phone Number: (07) 3131 7777

Email: info@archives.qld.gov.au

The Public Records Office of Queensland better known as Queensland State Archives (QSA) is the protector of the most important and documentary heritage collection of public records in Queensland.

It is responsible for managing, preserving and facilitating the public to access state’s permanent archive of public records.

As it is the prime organization for recordkeeping, the Queensland State Archives also takes care of the development and implementation of a better recordkeeping policy throughout the state. This framework work on the approach to improve creating, managing, disposing, storing, preserving and retrieving of public records.

The vision of QSA is to connect people of Queensland with their records and to provide archives of records to the present and future generations. The Public Records Office of Queensland carries information of a person in form of birth, marriage, divorce, immigrations and death records and it values the public’s right to access government information and expect from the people of Queensland for their collaboration and support in the whole process.

The Public Records Office of Queensland has the ability and powers to issue standardized regulations for the creation, management and preservation of any kind of public records. They also has the authority to dispose any public record. Queensland State Archives ensures that the collection is accessible by the government and the public of Queensland.

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